Women and men of all ages gathered at Futures House, Marsh Farm, to celebrate International Women’s Day on Saturday 9th March 2019, raising over £600 for Luton Women’s charity, Stepping Stones.
With special guest, Luton Mayor, Cllr Naseem Ayub, speakers at the special celebration included professionals, survivors and inspirational women from all walks of life. Various exhibitors had stands and were on hand to speak to the hundreds of people who attended about life, health and business issues.
The event, organised by Dee Bailey from Simply Deez in partnership with Cathy McShane from Marsh Farm Futures, was a celebration of women and a fund raiser for Stepping Stones (Luton), a charity dedicated to supporting women, their children and families, who have suffered abuse, are vulnerable due to substance misuse, offending, mental health conditions and/or are involved with Local Authority Children’s Social Care.
Dee Bailey said: “We are most grateful to all the volunteers, speakers, DJ, performers, exhibitors, videographer, caterer, the raffle prize donations and everyone who came and supported on the day. It was fabulous to see the community, both men and women from different cultures, come and support each other.”
Attendee, Claudette said “Absolutely inspirational day…great to see so many faces.”