Futures Business Voice is a networking platform for local and surrounding businesses. One of the objectives is to “Improve access to employment and income generation”. This forum is intended to identify key issues affecting business growth. The intention is to increase cooperation between businesses and business support agencies.
Why a Futures Business Voice
Whilst it is recognised that it’s the businesses that drive the economy and create jobs, it is also well established the critical role of small businesses in the local economy and community. The purpose of the Futures Business Voice is therefore to inspire entrepreneurship, identify the business needs and solutions to support growth and sustainability. This can be achieved through collaboration, better communication and correctly identifying the issues affecting business creation and growth.

Through established membership, formal terms of reference and structure, membership criteria, and Management Group consisting of Chair, two vice Chairs and Secretary.
Complete the membership form here and email it back to
Futures Business Voice should draw together all businesses and agencies in North Luton and surrounding business community to:
- Provide a voice for the businesses that are trading in North Luton and the surrounding areas
- Provide practical peer advice, signposting and support, which lessens the barriers that prevent residents from taking the risk of starting up in self-employment.
- Encourage the mainstream statutory sector to take new enterprise development needs seriously.
- Improve individual and collective business confidence.
- Discuss and improve security across the business area
- Consider group purchasing initiatives/supply chain possibilities.
- Facilitate peer support for established and for new enterprises through mentoring and collaboration.
- Gain agreement amongst the local business community and support agencies and organisations on priorities for the area and their potential impact on the larger business community.
- Ensure that all parties including Local Government, Business support organisations, and mainstream funding bodies are aware of those priorities and encourage engagement.
- Create strong links with Local and National Organisations including, The Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce, Department for Business Innovation and Skills, FSB and the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP).
- Provide a vehicle to deliver appropriate support for “Start-up” and established Companies and Organisation’s, through initiatives such as the Apprenticeship Program, Work Trials and Recruitment, Business Growth Accelerator Program, the Manufacturing Advisory Service and various access to Funding Options.
- Add value to the existing business representation organisations through engagement and collaboration.
- Create a business forum with regular updates, news, feedback and actions.
- Hold annual business event to be determined by the Management Group
- Hold quarterly/bi monthly/6 monthly meetings and consider key issues affecting businesses
- To select a member to represent the Futures Business Voice at MFF Board
- Hold business theme seminars / motivational sessions/ inviting guest speakers
- Futures Business Voice to be managed and supported by the MFF including arranging meetings, drop in sessions and event management etc.
- It is likely the Forum will require sponsorship from local businesses.