The halls at Futures house were decked with Holly to welcome everyone to the annual over 60s Christmas party which took place on Thursday 16th December 2021. Organised by Marsh Farm Fundraising Group, funded and supported by Marsh Farm Futures with donations from Nisa Local.
Mike Gee was the compere and entertainer at the lively event. Bedfordshire Police – PCSOs Liam, Omar, and Danvis, were on hand to give safety advice and chat to the guests and PCSO Danvis, also known as the singing PCSO, rattled his bells as he gave a rendition of jingle bells. The seniors, who were in their bubbles or socially distanced even got up and had a dance or two.
Our guests show some ‘Strictly’ moves, click here to watch
One of the guests said:” What a wonderful time you and all the people involved gave us on the day, the hall was beautifully decorated, the welcome, the food and entertainment everything was first class and even the Police presence was appreciated with them getting involved giving out safety alarms and jingle bells ( and a little dance in between).
“I think the name Community Centre is under estimated where Futures House is concerned because you do so much for the community making sure that the community is cared for in all cases.
“Keep up the good work!”
Another guest, Dorothy said: ” I would like to thank all the people involved for the really lovely day today and for our Christmas meal. The food was really great with plenty to eat and well organised.
“The entertainment put on was really appreciated especially in this trying times and my friends and myself would like you to convey our thanks to everyone for such a good time.”
David Crean, Marsh Farm Futures Director and member of Marsh Farm Fundraising Group said:” I’m so pleased that we were able to make so many people happy and celebrate the Christmas season. It has been a tough few years for everyone, not being able to see friends and family often. There was so much laughter in the room and the smiles and gratitude just makes it all worthwhile.
“We raised a glass to absent friends, and many said this will keep them going for a while.”
He went on say: ” Massive thanks to Nisa – Barry, MFF Director, and his staff for their time and donations. Volunteers, Deniece, Tracey, Iain, Vera, MFF staff and directors Stephanie Power and Anne Donelon , who all helped make this a fantastic event and all of you who came down to take part.
“On behalf of the Marsh Farm Fundraising Group and Marsh Farm Futures, I’d like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. ”
Ian Johnsen, volunteers and Entertainer, Mike Dee
Click here to watch the singing PCSO DanVis
Click here to listen to Entertainer, Mike Gee