As part of a fundraising campaign for Covid 19 Community Support for the African and Caribbean community in Luton, Go Dharmic, a charitable organisation, donated a substantial amount of non-perishable food and meals to the Ghana Society UK, based in Luton.
Deputy Mayor of Luton and Leagrave Ward Councillor, Maria Lovell and members of the Ghana Society UK, received the donation outside Futures House.
Cllr Maria Lovell said:” Due to the generous donation received we were able to distribute food parcels and meals to over 50 households in Luton.
“We appreciate Go Dharmic’s huge support during these unprecedented times to support families and elderly members of our community.”
Mohammed Rafi, CEO of Marsh Farm Futures said: “Marsh Farm Futures is very pleased to have been able to offer the use of Futures House grounds for this worthy community cause.”